Desa’s Fashion Revolution: Lilla's Expertise in 3D Fashion Design

In the fast evolving landscape of fashion and technology, artists like Lilla are reshaping the industry's future. As a digital designer specializing in 3D fashion at Galaxy Technology, Lilla builds bridges between physical garments and the virtual realm. In this interview, Lilla takes us on a journey through her creative process, thoughts on the virtual world of Desa, inspirations, and the exciting world of 3D fashion.

Could you please introduce yourself and how did you get into 3D fashion?

Lilla: Hello, I am Lilla, a digital designer specializing in 3D fashion at Galaxy Technology. Before joining Galaxy, I completed a year-long internship at fashion House of Afangaro, where I honed my skills in 2D designs and creating prints for garments. I recently graduated from Willem de Kooning Academy with a degree in fashion design, and my journey has led me to blend the worlds of fashion and digital art. This passion solidified during my internship at House of Afangaro, where I started focusing on digital fashion, using programs like Blender and Marvelous Designer to bring clothing to life in the virtual world of Desa.

Can you tell me in your own words what Desa is about? 

Lilla: Desa is a revolutionary digital platform that serves as a hub for global connectivity and immersive experiences. It's not just a virtual world; it's a dynamic space where people can make meaningful connections, and engage in various events. Desa provides a gateway to a new era of virtual reality, offering custom-designed solutions that cater to a wide range of industries, including education and sales. 

What do you think of the purpose/message, and how do you relate?

Lilla: I believe Desa's purpose is incredibly forward-thinking and relevant. It creates a space where people from around the world can connect and interact, transcending physical boundaries. As a 3D fashion designer, I can deeply relate to Desa's mission. It aligns with my aspirations of bringing my designs to a global audience, fostering international recognition, and pushing the boundaries of fashion into the digital realm. Desa's commitment to immersive experiences mirrors my own dedication to providing unique, engaging fashion experiences through 3D design. Desa provides the ideal stage for me to explore the endless possibilities of 3D fashion and bring it to the world in a truly immersive and engaging way.

What was your inspiration behind the Afangaro build in Desa?

Lilla: The inspiration for the Afangaro build in Desa came from a desire to merge my passion for 3D fashion and the brand's unique style. I wanted to create an immersive experience for users, allowing them to explore the clothing collection in a virtual space. Afangaro's intricate and elegant designs served as the perfect muse with 3D fashion in Desa.

Can you explain the process of recreating the Afangaro collection in 3D?

Lilla: The process of recreating the Afangaro collection in 3D was a meticulous one. I started by translating the 2D designs into 3D using Blender. I then used Marvelous Designer to create the garments digitally, ensuring they captured the essence of the physical pieces. Textures, fabrics, and fine details were meticulously replicated to maintain the brand's authenticity.

Once Desa is ready, can visitors digitally wear the clothes?

Lilla: Yes, in Desa, visitors can virtually try on the clothes. The 3D fashion experience allows users to select and adorn themselves with various pieces from the Afangaro collection. It's an innovative way to engage with fashion and experience how different garments might look on them.

If you could pick anyone to dress inside Desa, who would it be?

Lilla: If I could dress anyone inside Desa, it would be a visionary artist like Björk. Her avant-garde style and willingness to push the boundaries of fashion would make for an exciting and unique collaboration in the digital realm.

What do you think is the future of 3D fashion and do you think it will become more mainstream?

Lilla: I believe the future of 3D fashion is incredibly promising. As technology continues to advance, more designers and brands will embrace the digital realm. Virtual fashion offers sustainability, accessibility, and endless creative possibilities. It has the potential to become a mainstream way of experiencing fashion, allowing people to explore, try on, and customize clothing in the virtual world.

What have you been working on currently?

Lilla: Currently, I'm focused on transforming the physical Chicago collection of Afangaro into digital designs. Expanding the 3D fashion offerings at Galaxy Technology. We're constantly exploring new ways to bring real-world clothing into the digital space. I'm also working on creating more immersive and engaging garments.

What has been your favorite item to create and what about the most difficult?

Lilla: My favorite item to create has to be an intricate summer maxi gown from the Afangaro collection. It allowed me to showcase the full potential of 3D fashion design with its complex details and elegant silhouette. The most challenging piece was a highly textured, multi-layered Blazer. Replicating its intricate textures and ensuring they moved realistically in the digital space was quite a technical feat, but the end result was rewarding.

Discover the transformative power of Desa, a global platform where creativity knows no bounds, and connections go beyond physical borders. As Desa's immersive world continues to evolve, we envision a future where fashion meets innovation and we can welcome many different artists like Lilla and fashion designers to collaborate inside Desa. Join us on this digital journey, where Lilla's expertise and Desa's limitless possibilities redefine the very essence of style.

Are you interested in contributing to the building of Desa and stand behind its passion and story? We are always looking for someone with a passion for their craft, who is eager for new challenges, has great attention to detail, and is a strong team player.

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